Petit Cosy Hôtel : Indisponible
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Room la Confidente

A comfortable cocoon
in the heart of Paris

La Coquette La Conviviale


Room description :

  • Individual bed 120 x 190 cm
  • Reversible heating and A/C unit
  • Free Wi-Fi/Ethernet
  • Telephone
  • Flat screen LCD television (French channels)
  • Double glazed windows
  • Memory foam mattress

Ideal for the solo traveler.

A visit to Paris is nothing without the accommodation that goes with it! Enjoy the comfort of a 3-star hotel in the heart of the capital.


Our Offers

Offer n°1

Petit Déjeuner

Paris Tranquille

Room with breakfast included to enjoy Paris with ease.

Offer n°2

Petit Déjeuner

L’Escale Parisienne

Room with breakfast and dinner included to fully benefit during your stay.

Offer n°3

Petit Déjeuner

Le Repos Parisien

Room for two nights including two breakfasts and one complete meal.

See the other rooms

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